Want to join Squirrels?
Squirrels are boys and girls aged 4 to 6 years old who form a Drey. Our Squirrel Drey meets every Monday at Backworth Hall.
Please register using our waiting list and we will be in touch when a space becomes available.
Want to join Beavers?
Beavers are boys and girls aged 6 to 8 years old who form a Colony. Our Beaver Colony meets every Monday at Backworth Hall.
Please register using our waiting list and we will be in touch when a space becomes available.
Want to join Cubs?
Cubs are boys and girls aged 8 to 10½ years old who form a Pack. Our Cubs pack meets every Monday at Backworth Hall.
Please register using our waiting list and we will be in touch when a space becomes available.
Want to join Scouts?
Scouts are Boys and girls aged 10½ to 14 years old who form a Troop. Our Scouts meet every Monday at Backworth Hall.
Please register using our waiting list and we will be in touch when a space becomes available.
Want to join as an adult helper?
Would you like to be part of something amazing? Part of Scouting’s mission statement is…
To help young people achieve their full, physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as respected members of their local, national and international communities.
To find out more visit our Volunteer page.
If your child is not yet old enough to join, you can still add their name to our waiting list.
The cost of Joining scouting and Sub cost
To join scouting there will be a cost of your uniform (Price varies) and the cost to buy your neckerchief and badges will be £6.50 (If you’ve already have been invested then these cost wont apply)
Sub costs are £22 per half term for all sections.