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Sainsbury’s Active Kids


Sainsbury’s Active Kids is back and we need your help to collect lots of vouchers. So ask your family and friends to pick up vouchers when they shop at Sainsbury’s and donate them to us. Then we can exchange them for great sports and cooking equipment and exciting experiences for the kids.


Find out more about Active Kids at

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends

Thank you to Lorraine, who came along tonight to tell us all about Dementia and being a Dementia Friend as part of our “Million Hands” project.

Lorraine gave an informative talk, and set the Scouts a couple of challenges to help them get a better understanding of Dementia, how it affects people, and how to best help someone who suffers with Dementia.

At the end of the evening, all the scouts signed up to be Dementia Friends and committed to spreading the word.

For more information on Dementia and being a Dementia Friend, please visit

Fundraising Update

Fundraising Update

Thank you!!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Fundraising efforts in 2015.  We had a fantastic end to the year which has enabled us to greatly subsidise the costs of taking our Cubs and Scouts to the big County Camp “Wild West Marra” in May.


Chronicle Wish Tokens and Postal Stamp collection

The Wish token appeal has now ended and we are collecting in the remaining tokens.  We need to send them to Chronicle by the beginning of February and we then eagerly await the news on how much share we receive.  Thank you to everybody who has been collecting the tokens.

We have now signed up to the fundraising stamps scheme and we are asking everybody to save the postal stamps to be recycled.  We will receive £11 per kilo for the stamps we send to them. Please remember to cut them from the envelopes and bring them in to Group.

Asda Benton Community Token collection

If you are shopping in Asda Benton, we currently have a Community Token Collection Point (Green Token) taking place until the end of February.  Please make sure you ask for you tokens and drop them in the box located in the glass fronted foyer.

Easter Egg donations

As previously mentioned, we were overwhelmed by the support we received for our chocolate donations. We would like to run a similar collection this term and request donations of Easter eggs, chocolate and any Easter related items.  We are hoping to have another social night with bingo and quizzes and also have Easter Egg hunts for the uniformed members. With your support we can make up some eggs-ellent prizes. Please think about sticking anything from a couple of crème eggs to one of your 2 for 1 eggs you know will now be creeping in to the supermarkets.  Thank you.


We are hoping to secure a tombola table nearer to Easter, possibly in Killingworth Centre or any other venues you might want to suggest.  We already have a range of prizes that we have kept from your donations but if you have any other items, such as unused Christmas gifts then please consider donating them to our tombola collection.

Scouts Spring 2016

Scouts Programme – Spring 2016

We offer a varied programme of events.  This term we are working towards a number of badges, including Writers, Entertainer and Chefs activity badges and the Outdoors Challenge badge.  We will also be having a talk on Dementia as part of our “Million Hands” project and a visit from the Police, plus lots of fun and games along the way.

Beavers Spring 2016

Beavers Programme – Spring 2016

We offer a varied programme in Beavers and this term we are looking at a number activities including Northumbrian Night, Teeth night, Chinese New Year, Cooking, Space and Junk modeling.  We will also be having a talk on Dementia as part of our “Million Hands” project and a visit from the police, plus lots of fun and games along the way.

New Year 2016

Happy New Year to everyone, and welcome to 2016, and the Centenary year of Cub Scouts.

Please remember, we will be meeting from our new HQ at Olave Lodge, West Moor from tonight.

Beavers – 5:30 – 6:30

Cubs – 6:30 – 7:45

Scouts – 7:45 – 9:00

Looking forward to lots of fun in 2016 not least Wild West Marra Camp in May.


Winter Term (2015)

Winter Term (2015)

Over the past term the Cubs have had the opportunity to organise and run their own nights as sixes (the groups they are part of within the “pack”); covering road safety, astronomy, local knowledge and home safety. They have also earnt the disability awareness badge; with blindfolded pizza making, discussions about aids for people with disabilities, making drinks with one hand and learning how to approach blind people to offer to help them.

LocalKnowledge AstronomyHomeSafety DisabilityAwareness EmergcyAidStage1

The term ended with the Cubs completing their stage 1 emergency aid badge; learning about the emergency services, making 999 calls, how to deal with bleeding, the importance of the recovery position and how to put somebody into the recovery position.

Vertigo Climbing Session

Vertigo Climbing Session at Eldon Leisure

On Friday 30th October some of our Cubs attended a climbing and abseiling session at Eldon Leisure with some of our scouts and some members of 6th Benton; they all really enjoyed this session and it was great value at £2 per head – we will be looking into doing this again in the New Year.

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District Cub Camp 2015

District Cub Camp 2015

14 of our Cubs recently attended a District Cub Camp from 4th to 6th September at Dilston Campsite. All 50 Cubs from Benton District stayed under canvas. The weekend included a visit to the Allen Banks National Trust site for shelter building, leaf printing, pond dipping, bug hunting, a blindfolded teamwork challenge and fire lighting. On the Sunday all Cubs completed the Baden-Powell/ Lookwide walk; they walked in the footsteps of our founder (Lord Baden-Powell). All attendees received a certificate, woggle and badge for completing the Lookwide walk.

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