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Beavers Spring 2016

Beavers Programme – Spring 2016

We offer a varied programme in Beavers and this term we are looking at a number activities including Northumbrian Night, Teeth night, Chinese New Year, Cooking, Space and Junk modeling.  We will also be having a talk on Dementia as part of our “Million Hands” project and a visit from the police, plus lots of fun and games along the way.

Beaver Programme

This term we are covering:

  • Knots and Shoe Lace tying
  • Pioneering
  • Anti-Bullying
  • 1st Aid
  • Road Safety
  • Hazards/Green Cross Code
  • Fire and Water Safety
  • Christmas Decorations
  • Plus Fun and Games

Campover May 2015

Cubs and Beavers Campover May 2015

 Cubs and Beavers Campover May 2015

A great time was had by all at the Cubs and Beavers Campover, despite it being a bit wet and muddy for the first half of the weekend.

The Pirate themed camp involved a host of activities from flag making, raft building, semaphore signalling, shelter building, orienteering, hiking, fire lighting and not one but two camp fires.

Thanks to all the Cubs and Beavers for being so well behaved, and thanks to all the parents and adults who came along to help out.

Cubs and Beavers Campover May 2015


Mother’s Day Meal

Mother’s Day Meal and Pop Up Restaurant

Pop Up Restaurant
Pop Up Restaurant
Pop Up Restaurant

On Monday 9th March, 3rd Killingworth Beavers and Cubs successfully ran their own pop-up restaurant/Mother’s day meal at the KYPC Killingworth.

All involved served a three course meal to over 15 people. As a result of everyone’s hard work we managed to raise over £100 (£30 of which was tips). Well done to all the young people who participated and a massive thanks to all who supported us on and in the lead up to the night.

All Beavers and Cubs were involved in the preparation and serving of the three course meal for parents, friends and relatives. Then they created personalised  thank-you cards to everyone who supported us.

All the Beavers achieved their cook activity badge. The Cubs, who learnt about food hygiene and food safety the week before, achieved their chef activity badge. 
Chef Activity Badges


  • Tesco (Kingston Park) for their £20 gift voucher
  • Wilkinson (Killingworth) for their £10 gift voucher
  • Morrisons (Killingworth) for their £5 gift voucher
  • Our District Commissioner Michael Wood-Williams for his £10 donation
  • Shirley Eaton, who was unable to attent, who made a £5 donation towards the event
  • 1st Killingworth Scout Group for donating their cutlery, plates and bowls to help us run the event.


3rd Killingworth Roll of Honour

Chief Scout Silver Award

Bronze Chief Scout’s Award

(the highest award you can gain in the Beaver section)

Congratulations to Jack K, Ben A, Ethan A, Ryan B, Sam R, Lewis K and CJ E on achieving their Bronze Chief Scout’s Award

Chief Scout Silver Award

Silver Chief Scout’s Award

(the highest award you can gain in the Cub section)

Congratulations to Shannon F, Nicole FBenjamin B and Ryan C on achieving their Silver Chief Scout’s Award